Lead isotope dating of marine sedimentary cores

Laboratories from 14 countries (with different levels of experience in radiometric measurement of radionuclides in environmental samples and in the application of the 210Pb dating method) participated in an interlaboratory ...

Filtering radioactive elements from water

The nuclear accident in Fukushima remains etched into many people's memories. It was a catastrophe that caused huge amounts of radioactively contaminated water to be released, which the operators of the nuclear power plant ...

Noise can put you off your food

Noise can make or break a dining experience, according to a laboratory study replicating common noise levels in restaurants.

Viruses play critical role in evolution and survival of the species

As the world scrambles to control the growing COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic, new research in Nature Structural & Molecular Biology shows viruses also play a key evolutionary role in mammals' ability to reproduce and survive.

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