Both employees and companies benefit from flexible wage systems

Research from the University of Copenhagen has revealed the effects of a decade of decentralised wage negotiations in the private sector. In an article in the Journal of Labor Economics, researchers conclude that wages have ...

Study finds no 'skills gap' in Wisconsin labor market

Wisconsin's labor market shows no evidence of an existing or impending general "skills gaps," according to a new analysis by a team of graduate students at UW-Madison's La Follette School of Public Affairs.

Women workers face tradeoffs, researchers find

Are American women making headway in the workplace? Yes and no, according to new research by ILR School Professors Francine Blau and Lawrence Kahn.

Study: One in four divorces 'inefficient'

(—Many people divorce with hope of finding greater happiness than they did in a "bad" marriage. But a new national study by an Iowa State University economics professor found that in approximately one in four divorces, ...

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