US probes mystery disease killing Arctic seals

US scientists are hoping to uncover answers behind a mysterious disease that has emerged in Arctic seal populations, causing skin lesions, lethargy and death, officials said Friday.

'Chemometer' offers easy way to test for dangerous pollutants

Imagine being able to test air or water for the presence of toxic metals – and many other potentially dangerous pollutants – with a device as easy to use as a home pregnancy kit, and with on-the-spot results as simple ...

Study of friction reveals clues about arthritis

(—A new, noninvasive, and low-cost method for the early detection and monitoring of osteoarthritis (arthritis caused by wear and tear) may be on its way, thanks to research by UC Santa Barbara scientists from the ...

Using soap to remove micropollutants from water

Imagine millions of soapy sponges the size of human cells that can clean water by soaking up contaminants. This simplistic model is used to describe technology that MIT chemical engineers have recently developed to remove ...

A protective probiotic blunts the ill effects of alcohol in mice

Excessive alcohol consumption leads to painful hangovers and accompanying headaches, fatigue and nausea. Drinking alcohol has also been linked to a raft of health problems in the human body, including heart disease, cirrhosis ...

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