Related topics: weather

Tree rings open door on 1100 years of El Nino

( -- El Nino and La Nina, the periodic shifts in Pacific Ocean temperatures, affect weather around the globe, and many scientists have speculated that a warming planet will make those fluctuations more volatile, ...

Australian meteorologists call an end to La Nina

Australian meteorologists on Wednesday declared La Nina, the disruptive weather pattern behind floods and cyclones that brought death and destruction this year, to have ended.

La Nina outlook is easing says UN weather agency

La Nina, the disruptive weather pattern behind floods and droughts, is easing and there are no signs suggesting a resurgence in the coming months, the UN weather agency said on Monday.

La Nina brings flood risks and drought to the West

The winter and early spring have been extreme across the West, with record snowpacks bringing joy to skiers and urban water managers but severe flood risks to northern Utah, Wyoming and Montana.

Ecologist: La Nina one major cause for Texas wildfires

( -- About 1.5 million acres of Texas has burned this year, and a Texas Tech University plant ecologist said a natural weather event called La Nina has much of the blame for the recent rash of wildfires.

Past Antarctic cooling may help studies of global warming

( -- Research led by Dr Amelia Shevenell (UCL Geography), published in Nature (9 February), shows that the Antarctic Peninsula is one of the fastest-warming places on Earth, experiencing dramatic regional climate ...

Climatologists: La Nina may bring warm late winter to Southeast

( -- After interference from an unexpected climate event, La Nina is expected to re-establish her influence over weather patterns in the Southeast and bring warm and dry weather to the region for the rest of the ...

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