Related topics: poachers · rhinos · south africa

Elephants are creatures of habit when it comes to finding food

Elephants are remarkably consistent in their seasonal movement patterns across multiple years, according to research by Bangor University zoologist and lecturer Dr. Rhea Burton-Roberts. Rhea's findings, published in Scientific ...

Poachers kill 32 S. African rhinos this year

Poachers have slaughtered 32 South African rhinos in the first three weeks of 2013, marking a disturbing start to the year for a country battling crisis level killings of the beast, government said Wednesday.

How much biomass grows in the savannah?

Savannahs form one of the largest habitats in the world, covering around one-fifth of the Earth's land area. They are mainly to be found in sub-Saharan Africa. Savannahs are home not only to unique wildlife, including the ...

Statistics highlight need for action against rhino poaching

The South African government today revealed that a record 1004 rhinos were killed by poachers during 2013 across the country, the equivalent of nearly three animals a day. World famous safari destination Kruger National Park ...

'Horrific' record 1,020 rhino killed in South Africa

A record 1,020 rhinos have been poached in South Africa this year, the government said Thursday, scuppering multiple efforts by authorities to curb the slaughter of the endangered species.

Tree domination of the world's savannas may slow down

Savannas are becoming increasingly woodier as trees gain the upper hand over grasses in these ecosystems, but this encroachment may proceed more slowly than previously thought, new University of Otago-led research suggests.

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