Svalbard's Arctic heritage is threatened by climate change

Cultural heritage sites are irreplaceable sources of historical information, providing insight into the social, religious, and economic life of our ancestors. They are important markers of identity, and constitute attractions ...

Fishmeal developed for sustainable aquaculture

Aquaculture in Sweden could be more sustainable if by-products from industrial feed production were used instead of wild-caught aquafeed, according to studies at the University of Gothenburg.

How students develop scientific reasoning

Whether or not former students can apply scientific reasoning to formulate hypotheses and solve problems effectively at work depends in part on what subjects they have studied, says LMU educational psychologist Frank Fischer.

Benefit of research emphasised with clear researcher roles

Politicians and financial backers often expect research to result in new patents, companies and more jobs in a direct and traceable manner. "Researchers, however, can be useful in many different ways that are not directly ...

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