Robots that understand contextual commands

Despite what you might see in movies, today's robots are still very limited in what they can do. They can be great for many repetitive tasks, but their inability to understand the nuances of human language makes them mostly ...

How students develop scientific reasoning

Whether or not former students can apply scientific reasoning to formulate hypotheses and solve problems effectively at work depends in part on what subjects they have studied, says LMU educational psychologist Frank Fischer.

Benefit of research emphasised with clear researcher roles

Politicians and financial backers often expect research to result in new patents, companies and more jobs in a direct and traceable manner. "Researchers, however, can be useful in many different ways that are not directly ...

Ecotechnology for the smart cities

This alliance is generating a knowledge base on cities and ecotechnology; it will gradually be joined by various Basque and international organisations and companies capable of coming up with innovative solutions underpinned ...

Diplopedia a success at US Department of State

A new study released today by Rice University and the U.S. Department of State's (DOS) Office of eDiplomacy looks at the five-year history of creating and implementing Diplopedia, DOS' use of the Wikipedia-style diplomacy ...

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