Alternative meat seen as potentially juicy business

No longer at the food fringes, plant-based meats are selling well in supermarkets and emerging as a hot commodity for fast food chains, industrial food companies and Wall Street investors.

Critically endangered birds still alive on King Island

A new study has found two critically endangered bird species feared to be near extinction on King Island in the Bass Strait are not only still alive, but their populations may be larger than previously thought.

The parallels of female power in ancient Egypt and modern times

Over the course of 3,000 years of Egypt's history, six women ascended to become female kings of the fertile land and sit atop its authoritarian power structure. Several ruled only briefly, and only as the last option in their ...

The Anglo-Saxons were worse than the Vikings

The Vikings invaded England in the 9th and 10th centuries. They plundered, raped and burned towns to the ground. Or at least, this is the story we know from school and popular culture.

Why exceptionally fertile termite queens have long lives

Usually the rule in the animal kingdom is that a lot of progeny means a short life – if you are less fertile, you live longer. However, it seems that social insects can escape this fate. How they do this has been revealed ...

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