Scientists brew killer bee beer

Scientists from Cardiff University have used brewer's yeast that resides in the gut microbiome of killer honeybees in Namibia and applied it to develop a unique craft beer.

Inside the brains of killer bees

Africanized honeybees, commonly known as "killer bees," are much more aggressive than their European counterparts. Now researchers have examined neuropeptide changes that take place in Africanized honeybees' brains during ...

Climate change a buzzkill for coffee lovers

Global warming could reduce coffee growing areas in Latin America—the world's largest coffee-producing region—by as much as 88 percent by 2050.

Genes key to killer bee's success

In a new study, researchers from Uppsala University sequenced the genomes of Africanized bees that have invaded large parts of the world to find out what makes them so extraordinarily successful. One particular region in ...

Study shows Africanized bees continue to spread in California

A study conducted by biologists at UC San Diego has found that the Africanized honey bee—an aggressive hybrid of the European honey bee—is continuing to expand its range northward since its introduction into Southern ...

Killer bees test a double win for Australian honeybees

A genetic test that can prevent the entry of 'killer' bees into Australia and worldwide spread has been created by researchers at the University of Sydney and their collaborators at York University in Canada.

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