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Kepler space telescope mission extension proposal

Some potentially good news for exoplanet fans, and Kepler fans in particular – Kepler scientists are asking for a mission extension and seem reasonably confident they will get it. Otherwise, funding is due to run out ...

Kepler scientists discover almost 100 new exoplanets

Based on data from NASA's K2 mission, an international team of scientists has confirmed nearly 100 new exoplanets. This brings the total number of new exoplanets found with the K2 mission up to almost 300.

Astronomers detect echoes from the depth of a red giant star

( -- Today an international team of astronomers reports the discovery of waves inside a star that travel so deep that they reach the core. The discovery was published in the renowned journal Science, and was possible ...

A catalog of habitable zone exoplanets

The last two decades have seen an explosion of detections of exoplanets, as the sensitivity to smaller planets has dramatically improved thanks especially to the Kepler mission. These discoveries have found that the frequency ...

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