Researcher finds 'kill switch' for cyberattack ransomeware

A cybersecurity researcher appears to have discovered a "kill switch" that can prevent the spread of the WannaCry ransomware—for now—that has caused the cyberattacks wreaking havoc globally, they told AFP Saturday.

Dozens of countries hit by huge cyberextortion attack

Dozens of countries were hit with a huge cyberextortion attack Friday that locked up computers and held users' files for ransom at a multitude of hospitals, companies and government agencies.

Facebook reveals new security tool

Facebook announced Tuesday it has been using a new security tool to help detect and remove malicious software for users of the world's biggest social network.

IT firm baits hackers with online model train set

Somewhere on Earth a computer hacker types a malicious command and hits enter. Half a world away, an urban commuter train speeds out of control, derails and crashes into a building.

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