Kangaroo checks in to Australian Airport

Australian police had to lock down part of Melbourne Airport Wednesday after a kangaroo bounced into the terminal and surprised passengers shopping in a pharmacy.

Conservation concern as alien aphid detected on Kangaroo Island

An invasive species of aphid could put some threatened plant species on Kangaroo Island at risk as researchers from the University of South Australia confirm Australia's first sighting of Aphis lugentis on the Island's Dudley ...

Kangaroo Island wildlife key to beverage fermentation

Researchers from the University of Adelaide have discovered new species of lactic acid bacteria on Kangaroo Island that could be used in the fermentation of wine, ciders and sour beers.

Study suggests better method to manage kangaroo populations

Landholders need to turn professional in controlling kangaroo populations on their properties and regard the iconic Australian animals as assets rather than pests, new research led by ANU has recommended.

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