Dingoes reshape the landscape

A comparison of conditions in the outback on either side of Australia's dingo fence has revealed that extermination of predators affects not only the abundance of other animals and plants, but also reduces the quality of ...

Dingoes bring economic benefit to cattle graziers

Stopping dingo control measures such as baiting and fencing could increase net profit for cattle grazing enterprises – that's the surprising result from new University of Adelaide research.

Papua New Guinea declares first national conservation area

The southeast Pacific nation of Papua New Guinea, home to some of the most biologically diverse ecosystems on Earth, has created its first national conservation area to preserve forever a swath of pristine tropical forest ...

Few friends for shy kangaroos

Kangaroo social networks could provide insight into the evolution of human personality differences.

Human disturbance affecting little penguins

Flinders University ecologists are calling on summer holiday-goers to not interfere with wildlife and damage habitats, notably for shy animals such as little penguins.

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