Kangaroo checks in to Australian Airport

Australian police had to lock down part of Melbourne Airport Wednesday after a kangaroo bounced into the terminal and surprised passengers shopping in a pharmacy.

Giant Australian animals were not wiped out by climate change

(Phys.org) —Researchers have ruled out climate change as the cause of extinction of most of Australia's giant animals, including giant kangaroos, three metre-tall flightless birds and the Tasmanian tiger, around 50,000 ...

New DNA test on roo poo identifies species

(Phys.org) —University of Adelaide researchers have developed a simple and cost-effective DNA test to identify kangaroo species from their droppings which will boost the ability to manage and conserve kangaroo populations.

A ray of light thrown on 60-year-old mystery

The unexpected capture of a rare ray found only in a small region off South Australia could help marine scientists validate the existence of the elusive magpie fiddler ray (Trygonorrhina melaleuca).

The climb to the pouch begins in utero

Scientists have visualised the short pregnancy of a small species of the kangaroo and wallaby family of marsupials, the tammar wallaby (Macropus eugenii), for the first time by high-resolution ultrasound. The study has shed ...

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