Citizen Scientists wanted to solve echidna mysteries

The Australian public is being called on to help better understand and conserve our iconic native echidna, by collecting echidna scats (poo) and taking photographs wherever echidnas or scats are spotted.

Australia fires 'devastating habitats' of endangered species

Australia's bushfires and other climate change effects are devastating the habitats of critically endangered species and driving the native platypus towards extinction, according to surveys highlighting the country's vulnerability ...

Island emus' size related to size of island homes

Emus that lived isolated on Australia's offshore islands until the 19th century, including Kangaroo Island, King Island and Tasmania, were smaller versions of their larger mainland relatives – and their overall body size ...

Giant Australian animals were not wiped out by climate change

( —Researchers have ruled out climate change as the cause of extinction of most of Australia's giant animals, including giant kangaroos, three metre-tall flightless birds and the Tasmanian tiger, around 50,000 ...

Towards 100% renewable energy for Kangaroo Island

Can Australia's iconic Kangaroo Island be powered by 100 per cent renewable energy? This is the focus of a new study announced today by the University of Technology Sydney (UTS) in partnership with the Kangaroo Island Council.

Genetic safety in numbers, platypus study finds

( -- Platypuses on the Australian mainland and in Tasmania are fighting fit but those on small islands are at high risk of being wiped out from disease, according to a University of Sydney study.

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