Rep: Enbridge Inc. violated oil spill rules

(AP) -- A member of Congress said Wednesday that Enbridge Inc. violated federal regulations by dragging its feet on reporting a pipeline rupture that poured hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil into a southern Michigan ...

EPA notes improvements at Michigan oil spill site

(AP) -- A regional administrator for the Environmental Protection Agency said Sunday that significant improvement had been made at the site of an oil spill in a southern Michigan river, but the agency cautioned that it will ...

Law center prepares lawsuit over Mich. oil spill

(AP) -- A public interest law firm prepared Monday to sue the owners of a pipeline that ruptured in southern Michigan and dumped hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil into a Kalamazoo River tributary, while residents voiced ...

Officials to inspect ruptured Mich. oil pipeline

(AP) -- A ruptured section of pipeline that spewed hundreds of thousands of gallons of oil into a southern Michigan river will be ready for inspection and removal shortly, officials said Thursday.

Study shows how turtles have fared a decade after oil spill

Twelve years after an oil spill coated nearly 35 miles of the Kalamazoo River, new research at The University of Toledo confirms that turtles rehabilitated in the aftermath of the disaster had high long-term survival rates.