Megaupload wants piracy charges dismissed

Megaupload has filed papers in US District Court to dismiss the federal government's massive online piracy case against the file-sharing website and its founder, Kim Dotcom.

Using strategy tools to exercise power in a company

Popular strategy tools used by businesses include SWOT analysis and scorecards. Strategy tools are seen as a means that provides companies with practical ways of making use of scientific theories in order to improve competitiveness. ...

Twitter CEO says blocking policy over-distilled

(AP) -- Twitter CEO Dick Costolo sought to calm the global outrage over the company's new country-by-country censorship policy on Monday, complaining in part that the issue is being treated with the same kind of shorthand ...

Stratfor back online after cyberhack

(AP) -- Global intelligence analysis firm Stratfor has relaunched its website after hackers brought down its servers and stole thousands of credit card numbers and other personal information belonging to its customers.

Researchers find saying 'I'm sorry' influences jurors

Apologizing for negative outcomes -- a practice common even with children -- may lead to more favorable verdicts for auditors in court, according to researchers at George Mason University and Oklahoma State University. The ...

Guilty pleasure? It's all in the mind's eye

( -- While many of us believe we need a good reason to enjoy a special luxury or splurge on something expensive, there really may be no such thing as a guilty pleasure, say University of Michigan researchers.

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