Related topics: nasa

Juno solar panels complete testing

The three massive solar panels that will provide power for NASA's Juno spacecraft during its mission to Jupiter have seen their last photons of light until they are deployed in space after launch. The last of the Jupiter-bound ...

NASA poised to launch spacecraft to Jupiter

NASA is poised to launch on Friday a one billion dollar solar-powered spacecraft called Juno on a five-year journey to Jupiter in search of what makes up the solar system's biggest planet.

Juno completes its closest flyby of Io yet

Jupiter's ocean moons capture most of our attention because of their potential habitability. But Io, Jupiter's bad-boy volcanic moon, is in a class of its own. There's nothing else like it in the solar system, and NASA's ...

Juno finds changes in Jupiter's magnetic field

NASA's Juno mission to Jupiter made the first definitive detection beyond our world of an internal magnetic field that changes over time, a phenomenon called secular variation. Juno determined the gas giant's secular variation ...

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