Related topics: nasa

3-2-1: A look at NASA's Jupiter mission by the numbers

Since launching in 2011, NASA's Juno spacecraft has been cruising toward the biggest planet in the solar system. On Monday, Juno is scheduled to perform a nail-biting move designed to enter orbit around Jupiter to explore ...

NASA's Juno and JEDI prepare to unlock the mysteries of Jupiter

On board NASA's Juno spacecraft—which is set to enter Jupiter's orbit on July 4—are instruments that will help scientists answer fundamental questions about not just the solar system's largest planet, but also about Earth ...

Juno peers inside a giant

NASA's Juno spacecraft will make its long anticipated arrival at Jupiter on July 4. Coming face-to-face with the gas giant, Juno will begin to unravel some of the greatest mysteries surrounding our solar system's largest ...

Image: Juno captures Jovian approach

NASA's Juno spacecraft obtained this color view on June 21, 2016, at a distance of 6.8 million miles (10.9 million kilometers) from Jupiter. Juno will arrive at Jupiter on July 4.

Jupiter awaits arrival of Juno

A team led by Leigh Fletcher of the University of Leicester in the United Kingdom are presenting new images of Jupiter at the UK's Royal Astronomical Society's National Astronomy Meeting in Nottingham.

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