Timid jumping spider uses ant as bodyguard

A timid jumping spider uses the scent of ants as a secret weapon to save itself from becoming the somewhat soggy prey of the predatory spitting spider. The downside to this plan is that jumping spiders are also a favorite ...

Jumpy caterpillar shies the Sun (w/ Video)

The larva of a Vietnamese moth has devised a unique form of transport—constructing a leaf cone and thrashing about inside to make it jump, a study showed Wednesday.

Why jumping genes don't send us into meltdown

A team of researchers, led by academics at The University of Nottingham, has explained why the so-called 'jumping genes' found in most living organisms don't ultimately kill off their hosts, putting an end to a long-standing ...

Deciphering the mysterious math of the solar wind

(Phys.org)—Many areas of scientific research—Earth's weather, ocean currents, the outpouring of magnetic energy from the sun—require mapping out the large scale features of a complex system and its intricate details ...

Rare form of active 'jumping genes' found in mammals

Much of the DNA that makes up our genomes can be traced back to strange rogue sequences known as transposable elements, or jumping genes, which are largely idle in mammals. But Johns Hopkins researchers report they have identified ...

Multimode waveguides bring light around corners

(Phys.org)—Light has become one of our most powerful servants, carrying information ranging from a chat room "LOL" to an entire digitized movie through hundreds of miles of fiber optics in seconds. But like many servants, ...

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