The eyes have it for perfect predator

( -- The most striking feature of jumping spiders is their arsenal of big eyes. In contrast to web-building spiders, they rely on their excellent vision to actively hunt and catch their insect prey. New research ...

Worm genes KO'd

Knocking genes out of action allows researchers to learn what genes do by seeing what goes wrong without them. University of Utah biologists pioneered the field. Mario Capecchi won a Nobel Prize for developing knockout mice. ...

Supersonic Freefall

The sound barrier was first broken by an aircraft in 1947, but this year a man will attempt to break the sound barrier with his body alone. His freefall jump from the edge of space will not only break records, but could contribute ...

Herbivory discovered in a spider

( -- There are approximately 40,000 species of spiders in the world, all of which have been thought to be strict predators that feed on insects or other animals. Now, scientists have found that a small Central ...

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