Study: Wild Cuban crocodiles hybridize with American crocs

A new genetic study by a team of Cuban and American researchers confirms that American crocodiles are hybridizing with wild populations of critically endangered Cuban crocodiles, which may cause a population decline of this ...


The largest animals ever to have walked the face of the earth may not have been as big as previously thought, reveals a paper published today in the Zoological Society of London's Journal of Zoology.

Danger lurks underground for oak seedlings

Scientists trying to understand why oaks are starting to disappear from North American forests may need to look just below the surface to find some answers.

Cormorants cannot capture the benefits of global warming

(—Even though cormorants seem ideally placed to benefit from global warming, by expanding their breeding range into the far north, the darkness of the polar night is likely to keep them firmly in their place, according ...

How do bumblebees get predators to buzz off?

Toxic or venomous animals, like bumblebees, are often brightly coloured to tell would-be predators to keep away. However scientists at Royal Holloway, University of London and Queen Mary, University of London have found a ...

Endangered kangaroo prefers 'the girl next door'

(—A group of leading conservation scientists from The University of Queensland (UQ) and James Cook University (JCU) has exposed the private life of a small, endangered kangaroo.

Getting a tail up on conservation?

Lizards are an important indicator species for understanding the condition of specific ecosystems. Their body weight is a crucial index for evaluating species health, but lizards are seldom weighed, perhaps due in part to ...

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