News tagged with journal of the american society for horticultural science

New and improved tomato analyzer

Tomatoes come in a variety of sizes and shapes, making them the perfect subject to test shape-analyzing software. The Tomato Analyzer is "rapidly becoming the standard for fruit morphological characterizations," according ...

Sweet Potato Protection is More Than Skin Deep

( -- Sweet potatoes are a seasonal staple that earn U.S. producers some $370 million every year. Now Agricultural Research Service (ARS) scientists have found traits in sweet potatoes that someday may make the ...

Pest preferences for cranberry cultivars determined

To determine whether insect herbivores have a feeding preference for certain cultivars of cranberry, researchers investigated the phenolic profiles in the foliage of two cranberry cultivars, then isolated and identified compounds ...

Genetic link found between Hungarian, Turkish apricots

People worldwide enjoy biting into a succulent, tasty apricot, but what do we know about the origins of this popular fruit? New research from Hungary and Turkey confirms what scientists have long suspected: there is a genetic ...

Protecting fresh-cut produce

The convenience of fresh-cut produce, which includes packaged lettuces, has greatly increased sales despite multiple foodborne outbreaks associated with these products. To reduce these risks, strict hygiene programs and sanitizers ...