Should voting be compulsory or should we have a right not to vote?

Each year, millions of people fail to vote without reproach. Does abstention constitute a citizen's right not to vote? This article in Australian Journal of Political Science explores whether we have a legal right to a 'no ...

Analyzing the boundaries of privacy in a connected world

About five years ago, Catherine Tucker was pregnant with identical twins when she encountered a serious medical issue. Her unborn children were diagnosed with twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, a dangerous condition in which ...

Tendency to fear is strong political influence

It's no secret that fear is a mechanism often used in political campaigns to steer public opinion on hot-button issues like immigration and war. But not everyone is equally predisposed to be influenced by such a strategy, ...

Voter behavior can explain midterm mood shift

Based on news accounts predicting Republican gains in both houses of Congress and more energized GOP voters in Tuesday's midterm election, it appears as though the nation's political landscape could change again -- just two ...

Successful once, protesters may hesitate to return to streets

As the long-term impact of the Arab Spring continues to take shape, research from political scientists at Princeton University and New York University warns that the protests that swept across the Middle East and North Africa ...

Political options tested in a virtual wind tunnel

A team of researchers from ETH Zurich, the Graduate Institute for International and Development Studies in Geneva and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem have developed an evidence-based model of violence in Jerusalem. The ...