Analyzing the boundaries of privacy in a connected world

About five years ago, Catherine Tucker was pregnant with identical twins when she encountered a serious medical issue. Her unborn children were diagnosed with twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome, a dangerous condition in which ...

Global expansion all about give and take, study finds

The key to successful global business expansion is spreading operations across multiple countries, rather than trying to dominate a region or market, according to a new study led by Michigan State University researchers.

The search for a job begins and ends with you

Staying motivated is always tough, but it certainly gets easier when you start seeing results. That's why keeping your spirits up during a job search can be extremely difficult. Candidates often face repeated rejection and ...

Women are 'socially' networked, study shows

( -- Bloggers and other social network users are more likely to share knowledge online where the qualities of trust, strong social ties and reciprocity are present, according to a study forthcoming in the Journal ...

Humility key to effective leadership

Humble leaders are more effective and better liked, according to a study forthcoming in the Academy of Management Journal.

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