How diving leatherback turtles regulate buoyancy

Virtually nothing is known about leatherback turtle diving strategies, but on Nov. 12, 2010, an international team of UK and US based scientists publish their discovery that leatherbacks regulate their buoyancy by varying ...

Discus fish parent young like mammalian mothers

Few fish are famed for their parenting skills. Most species leave their freshly hatched fry to fend for themselves, but not discus fish. Jonathan Buckley from the University of Plymouth, UK, explains that discus fish young ...

Humidity makes gecko feet stickier

Geckos have amazingly sticky feet. Their stickability comes from billions of dry microscopic hairs that coat the soles of their feet. However, when humidity increases, gecko feet stick even tighter to smooth surfaces, so ...

Flying fish glide as well as birds

How well do flying fish fly? This is the question that puzzled Haecheon Choi from Seoul National University, Korea. Measuring aerodynamic forces on dried darkedged-wing flying fish in a wind tunnel, Choi and Hyungmin Park ...

The eyes have it for perfect predator

( -- The most striking feature of jumping spiders is their arsenal of big eyes. In contrast to web-building spiders, they rely on their excellent vision to actively hunt and catch their insect prey. New research ...

Nematodes vanquish billion dollar pest

The larvae of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera beetles wreak havoc on maize. Feasting on the plants' roots, they are estimated to cause $1 billion of damage every year in the US. Ted Turlings from the University of Neuchatel, ...

Fish study turns colour vision theory inside out

( -- Neurobiologists at the Queensland Brain Institute have found that animals are not always as brightly coloured as they seem - at least not to their counterparts.

Marmots can teach us about obesity

A nutrient that's common to all living things can make hibernating marmots hungry - a breakthrough that could help scientists understand human obesity and eating disorders, according to a new study by a Colorado State University ...

Snails on methamphetamine

Crystal meth (methamphetamine) is a highly addictive drug that seduces victims by increasing self-esteem and sexual pleasure, and inducing euphoria. But once hooked, addicts find the habit hard to break. Barbara Sorg from ...

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