What to call seafood made from fish cells?

Food companies, regulators, marketers, journalists and others should use the terms "cell-based" or "cell-cultured" when labeling and talking about seafood products made from the cells of fish or shellfish, according to a ...

Nematodes vanquish billion dollar pest

The larvae of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera beetles wreak havoc on maize. Feasting on the plants' roots, they are estimated to cause $1 billion of damage every year in the US. Ted Turlings from the University of Neuchatel, ...

Soft-shelled turtles urinate through mouth

Chinese soft-shelled turtles are exquisitely adapted to their aquatic lifestyle, sitting contentedly on the bottom of brackish muddy swamps or snorkelling at the surface to breath. According to Y. K. Ip from the National ...

New discovery may lead to new class of allergy drugs

If you've ever wondered why some allergic reactions progress quickly and may even become fatal, a new research report published in the February 2009 issue of the Journal of Leukocyte Biology provides an important part of ...

Waves and the perception power of seals

If you ever thought that murky waters would stop seals in their (hunting) tracks, think again. Harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) extend their vibration-sensitive whiskers to find food when their vision is obstructed. But can ...

Koalas' bellows boast about size

Koalas have a well-earned reputation for being dopey. Sleeping 19 hours out of every 24, and feeding for 3 of the remaining 5 hours, there doesn't seem to be much time for anything else in their lethargic lifestyle: that ...

A faster, cheaper way to diagnose TB

Researchers have discovered a faster, cheaper method for the diagnosis of tuberculosis (TB). A major barrier in TB prevention, especially in developing countries, is that diagnosis is slow and costly. Dr Olivier Braissant ...

Salmonflies may adapt to warming mountain streams

With each passing year, climate change alters characteristics and increases temperatures of mountain streams all over the world. These changing conditions impact mountain-dwelling organisms in a number of direct and indirect ...

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