Sensitive nano oscillator can detect pathogens

( -- By watching how energy moves across a tiny device akin to a springing diving board, Cornell researchers are a step closer to creating extraordinarily tiny sensors that can instantly recognize harmful substances ...

Geckos use toe hairs to turn stickiness on/off

Researchers at Oregon State University have developed a model that explains how geckos, as well as spiders and some insects, can run up and down walls, cling to ceilings, and seemingly defy gravity with such effortless grace.

The microscopic topography of ink on paper

A team of Finnish scientists has found a new way to examine the ancient art of putting ink to paper in unprecedented 3-D detail. The technique could improve scientists' understanding of how ink sticks to paper and ultimately ...

Nanoscale resistors for quantum devices

Researchers from the London Centre for Nanotechnology have made new compact, high-value resistors for nanoscale quantum circuits. The resistors could speed the development of quantum devices for computing and fundamental ...

Building a better light bulb

Scientists study the movement of charge carriers to design an organic LED that is energy efficient and still casts a warm, natural glow.

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