Massive enzyme footballs control sugar metabolism

Neutrons have shown how massive enzyme complexes inside cells might determine whether sugar is burnt for energy or stored as fat. These findings will improve understanding of diabetes and a range of metabolic diseases.

ISA virus infects salmon from within

New findings on the interaction between an influenza-related virus and the host provide a significant contribution to understanding disease mechanisms behind the serious fish disease Infectious salmon anemia (ISA).

A tool to measure stress hormone in birds -- feathers

When faced with environmental threats like bad weather, predators or oil spills, wild birds secrete a hormone called corticosterone. Traditionally, researchers have analyzed blood samples to detect corticosterone levels in ...

Passover's matzoh ball soup may be good for your health

With the Jewish holiday of Passover beginning at sundown next Wednesday, April 8, a staple of the traditional dinner -- chicken soup with matzoh balls -- may take on medicinal importance based on findings published in the ...

Novel technique informs drug delivery research

University College Dublin researchers led by Conway Fellow, Professor David Brayden have shown that a candidate drug delivery polymer may have potential for oral or topical use. These findings were recently published in the ...

New biomarkers for predicting the spread of colon cancer

Scientists in China are reporting discovery of two proteins present in the blood, of people with colon cancer that may serve as the potential biomarkers for accurately predicting whether the disease will spread. Their study ...

Former Theranos biotech star indicted on fraud charges

Elizabeth Holmes, the founder of blood-testing startup Theranos and a onetime Silicon Valley star, has been hit with criminal charges accusing her of defrauding investors and others, prosecutors announced Friday.

Model predicts how to build a better stent

( -- Researchers have been puzzled in recent years by observations that drug-releasing stents (mesh-like tubes implanted to hold patients' coronary arteries open) can increase the likelihood of blood clots and ...

First preliminary profile of proteins in bed bugs' saliva

With bed bugs reemerging as a nuisance in some parts of the country, scientists are reporting the first preliminary description of the bug's sialome — the saliva proteins that are the secret to Cimex lectularius' ability ...

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