Quick test finds signs of diarrheal disease

Bioengineers at Rice University and the University of Texas Medical Branch (UTMB) at Galveston have developed a simple, highly sensitive and efficient test for the diarrheal disease cryptosporidiosis that could have great ...

New test targets salmonella

(Phys.org) —An array of tiny diving boards can perform the Olympian feat of identifying many strains of salmonella at once.

Team develops new technique for dating silk

Strand for strand no fabric can compare to the luxurious feel, luminosity and sheen of pure silk. Since millennia, the Chinese have been unraveling the cocoons of the silk worm (Bombyx mori) and weaving the fibers into sumptuous ...

Researchers apply NMR/MRI to microfluidic chromatography

By pairing an award-winning remote-detection version of NMR/MRI technology with a unique version of chromatography specifically designed for microfluidic chips, researchers with the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE)'s Lawrence ...

Microcantilevers are masters of measurement

(PhysOrg.com) -- Devices that look like tiny diving boards are a launching platform for research that could improve detergents and advance understanding of disease.

Moss rapidly detects, tracks air pollutants in real time

Moss, one of the world's oldest plants, is surprisingly in tune with the atmosphere around it. Now in a study appearing in ACS' journal Analytical Chemistry, scientists report that they have found a simple and inexpensive ...

Researchers design upgrade device for mass spectrometers

Researchers from Skoltech and MIPT have developed a device for upgrading mass spectrometers used to analyze the chemical makeup of unknown substances. The new device analyzes one substance from four different perspectives. ...

Researchers patent quick tests for cocaine

FIU students and their professor have patented a series of new tests that can quickly, accurately and cost-effectively confirm the presence of cocaine.

The making of medieval bling

Gold has long been valued for its luxurious glitter and hue, and threads of the gleaming metal have graced clothing and tapestries for centuries. Determining how artisans accomplished these adornments in the distant past ...

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