Jordan's airborne monuments men discover, protect sites

The helicopter door opens and Robert Bewley leans out hundreds of feet above the Hisban Roman ruins outside Amman, Jordan. Feet on the struts, the Oxford University archaeologist begins snapping photos as the chopper circles ...

Jordan's newest mall debuts large-scale green technology

In Jordan's newest retail and leisure hub, the typical high-end boutiques, cinemas and gourmet coffee shops are tucked into an intricate ecosystem of natural heating and cooling, water recycling and hundreds of solar panels ...

Prehistoric village links old and new stone ages

Archaeologists from The Hebrew University of Jerusalem revealed in Israel a prehistoric village, dated around 12,000 years ago, in excavations in the fertile Jordan Valley.

Sailor missing at sea for 66 days found in good health

Adrift on the ocean, the mast of his 35-foot sailboat torn away, Louis Jordan caught rainwater in a bucket, scooped up fish that were attracted to the laundry he hung over the side, and fervently prayed to God for help.

At Jordan site, drone offers glimpse of antiquities looting

At a sprawling Bronze Age cemetery in southern Jordan, archaeologists have developed a unique way of peering into the murky world of antiquities looting: With aerial photographs taken by a homemade drone, researchers are ...

How algae research could help clean wastewater in the Middle East

As one of the most water-poor countries in the world, Jordan's current water resources are significantly below the global water scarcity line. Annual rainfall falls under 50mm in 95% of the country and nearly all the groundwater ...

ESA image: Dead Sea, Middle East

This image from the Landsat-8 satellite brings us over part of the Middle East, with the Jordan Rift Valley running north to south.

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