Related topics: barack obama · mitt romney

Obama's victory photo most retweeted, shared ever

A moving photo posted by President Barack Obama on his Twitter and Facebook pages just as TV networks announced his victory has made social media history as the most retweeted and shared ever.

Obama, Romney supporters: More in common than you might think?

(—It's a common refrain during the political season—Republicans and Democrats talk past one another. They claim they live in different universes or come from different species, with little hope for extending ...

Furious US lawmakers say security leaks must end (Update)

The top US lawmakers overseeing intelligence stood united Thursday in demanding an end to a "cascade" of national security leaks, as they scrambled to draw up legislation to rein in breaches that they say jeopardize lives.

As online video thrives, TV companies push back

The evolving TV and video industry faces uncertainty as it embraces new technology like wireless streaming, as traditional US broadcasters urged lawmakers Tuesday to help preserve their marketplace primacy.

US media campaign coverage 'negative', study finds

The US media coverage of the 2012 presidential campaign has been more negative than positive, with the harshest comments coming in social media, a study said Friday.

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