New study finds fastest-growing cities not the most prosperous

As communities seek new ways to emerge from the recession, many may look to growing their population as a strategy. However, the belief that population growth will bring jobs and economic prosperity for local residents is ...

Mobile app to help Indian women fight sex assault

A smartphone app launched Wednesday in the Indian capital Delhi aims to fight a rise in sexual assault cases by enabling women to immediately alert friends or family if they feel at risk.

Apple's pipeline: What's coming next

The most common refrain on Thursday among Apple Inc. investors and analysts was that the resignation of Chief Executive Steve Jobs should not affect the company's pipeline of products that are expected to drive strong earnings ...

Build it and they will come? Think again

When it comes to economic development in American cities, the trusted old theory "If you build it, they will come" may not work, a Michigan State University sociologist argues in a new study.

Retirement plans on hold in face of recession, survey finds

( -- Almost one-third of small- and medium-sized business owners will need to put plans for their retirement on hold because of the downturn in the UK economy, an online survey by The University of Nottingham ...

Study links gridlock to slow job growth

( -- Commuters well versed in the physical and psychological tolls of traffic congestion can now add an economic effect to the list. A new UC Irvine study found that places with sluggish commutes - usually an ...

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