Black hole discovered firing jets at neighboring galaxy

With the help of citizen scientists, a team of astronomers has discovered a unique black hole spewing a fiery jet at another galaxy. The black hole is hosted by a galaxy around one billion light years away from Earth named ...

Elastic nozzles could create more stable liquid jets

Until now, little attention has been paid to the flow of liquid through deformable elastic nozzles. New research published in The European Physical Journal Special Topics introduces the concept of passively-deforming nozzles, ...

Powerful hurricanes get second wind in Europe

Stronger hurricanes that are re-energized by jet stream winds are twice as likely to cross the Atlantic and wreak havoc in Europe than weaker ones, new research has found.

Cat's Eye Nebula seen in 3D

Researchers have created the first computer-generated three-dimensional model of the Cat's Eye Nebula, revealing a pair of symmetric rings encircling the nebula's outer shell. The rings' symmetry suggests they were formed ...

Novel method examines the gas-liquid interface in new detail

The interface between gases and liquids is found throughout nature. It is also important to many industrial processes. To improve understanding of the gas-liquid interface, researchers have developed an apparatus to study ...

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