Related topics: teeth · fossil

New species of flying reptile identified on B.C. coast

Persistence paid off for a University of Alberta paleontology researcher, who after months of pondering the origins of a fossilized jaw bone, finally identified it as a new species of pterosaur, a flying reptile that lived ...

Teenage great white sharks are awkward biters

The jaws of adolescent great white sharks may be too weak to capture and kill large marine mammals, according to a new study published in the Journal of Biomechanics by an international team of scientists.

Komodo dragon attacks terrorize Indonesia villages

(AP) -- Komodo dragons have shark-like teeth and poisonous venom that can kill a person within hours of a bite. Yet villagers who have lived for generations alongside the world's largest lizard were not afraid - until the ...

Dracula minnow has teeth, almost

A new species of tiny fish with jaw structures that look like huge teeth has been identified, Natural History Museum scientists report in the Proceedings of the Royal Society journal today.

A Jurassic world of salamanders

Salamanders are fairly adorable, but often forgotten, animals. Because their skeletons are pretty delicate, the fossil record for this group is spotty, with many ancient forms known only from vertebrae or jaw bones. As ...

Studying the Noble King Mackerel

They are sometimes called "smokers," due to the speed at which a fishing line zips out the reel and "smokes" after they hit on the bait.

Megalara garuda: the King of Wasps

A new and unusual wasp species has been discovered during an expedition to the Indonesian island of Sulawesi.

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