Related topics: teeth · fossil

Fossil lower jaw sheds light on early Homo

A fossil lower jaw found in the Ledi-Geraru research area, Afar Regional State, Ethiopia, pushes back evidence for the human genus—Homo—to 2.8 million years ago, according to a pair of reports published March 4 in the ...

Trap-jaw ants spreading in southeastern United States

Trap-jaw ant species are active hunters with venomous stings and jaws powerful enough to fling themselves through the air. According to new research, they are also spreading into new territory in the southeastern United States. ...

How did we get four limbs? Because we have a belly

All of us backboned animals – at least the ones who also have jaws – have four fins or limbs, one pair in front and one pair behind. These have been modified dramatically in the course of evolution, into a marvelous variety ...

New Kenyan fossils shed light on early human evolution

Fossils discovered east of Africa's Lake Turkana confirm that there were two additional species of our genus—Homo—living alongside our direct human ancestral species, Homo erectus, almost two million years ago. The finds, ...

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