Related topics: teeth · fossil

Precision and brawn a deadly combination

( —A bizarre, pouched super-predator that terrorised South America millions of years ago had huge sabre-like teeth but its bite was weaker than that of a domestic cat, new research shows.

Studying the Noble King Mackerel

They are sometimes called "smokers," due to the speed at which a fishing line zips out the reel and "smokes" after they hit on the bait.

The placodonts are fellow Europeans

Placodonts were among the first marine reptiles. With their trademark crushing teeth, they fed on shellfish and crustaceans. However, when and where these highly specialized marine reptiles originated remained unclear until ...

Size of lunch dictates force of crunch (w/ Video)

Many animals prefer food—snails, nuts, etc.—that must be cracked and crushed. Scientists have measured the maximum force of their impressive bites before, but a new study introduces a significant subtlety: bite force ...

Curiosity killed the ape

Recent research has brought to light the illegal practice of using mantraps to catch chimps in Uganda.

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