Fossil fragments reveal 500-million-year-old monster predator

Hurdia victoria was originally described in 1912 as a crustacean-like animal. Now, researchers from Uppsala University and colleagues reveal it to be just one part of a complex and remarkable new animal that has an important ...

Dracula minnow has teeth, almost

A new species of tiny fish with jaw structures that look like huge teeth has been identified, Natural History Museum scientists report in the Proceedings of the Royal Society journal today.

The iron jaws of the bristle worm

Bristle worms are found almost everywhere in seawater, they have populated the oceans for hundreds of millions of years. Nevertheless, some of their special features have only now been deciphered: Their jaws are made of remarkably ...

How chewing like a cow helped early mammals thrive

You probably haven't given much thought to how you chew, but the jaw structure and mechanics of almost all modern mammals may have something to do with why we're here today. In a new paper published this week in Scientific ...