As Oracle readies takeover, Sun's loss widens

(AP) -- Sun Microsystems Inc.'s loss ballooned in the latest quarter as restructuring charges and a 20 percent drop in sales compounded the financial woes Oracle Corp. is set to inherit by acquiring Sun for $7.4 billion.

The dangers of too much Java

Justin Cappos, an assistant professor of computer science and engineering at the Polytechnic Institute of NYU-Poly, has long been wary of the security risks inherent in Java, the programming language developed by Sun Microsystems ...

Google wants Oracle copyright trial rematch

Google on Wednesday confirmed that it wants a new trial on the copyright portion of a legal battle being fought with Oracle in San Francisco federal court.

Judge hands Google victory in Oracle copyright fight

A federal judge on Thursday put a stake in the heart of Oracle's big-money lawsuit against Google by ruling that the application programming interfaces (APIs) at issue can't be copyrighted.

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