Life in the fast lane—how plants avoid traffic jams

Traffic jams are the curse of the commute, the scourge of the school run and the bane of Bank Holidays. But gridlocked motorists and students of traffic flow may soon be relieved and enlightened thanks to new research into ...

Hungry bats compete for prey by jamming sonar

In their nightly forays, bats hunting for insects compete with as many as one million hungry roost-mates. A study published today in Science shows that Mexican free-tailed bats jam the sonar of competitors to gain advantage ...

Upgraded urban travel 'could save $70 trillion by 2050'

Urban planners must re-invent city transportation systems to save up to $70 trillion globally in the next 37 years, a study said on Wednesday citing the examples of Belgrade, Seoul and New York City.

Facebook eyes $1bn deal for GPS app Waze

Facebook is in talks on a potential $1 billion deal to buy the Israel-based GPS mobile navigation app Waze, The Wall Street Journal reported.

Simulated skiers reveal mountain traffic jams

Millions of skiers and snowboarders escape to the mountains every winter, but some everyday stresses -- like traffic jams -- are unavoidable even on the slopes. In plenty of time to prepare for next season, a team of Swiss ...

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