Cardinals tweet goodbyes before conclave lockdown

Cardinals entering the Vatican ahead of a conclave to elect the next pope took to Twitter to say goodbye to their online flock before they are cut off from the outside world.

Revolution in Mexico City, one lettuce at a time

A green revolution is sweeping across the car and concrete jungle of Mexico City, an infamously smoggy capital that was once dubbed "Makesicko City" by novelist Carlos Fuentes.

Computer scientist drives for comprehensive traffic model

Traffic and transit information from smart phones, online maps, or radio and TV is not as timely or accurate as it could be, given all the untapped data that could provide a truly dynamic regional traffic picture.

US reconnaissance plane under jamming attack: aide

A US military reconnaissance plane came under electronic attack from North Korea and had to make an emergency landing during a major military exercise in March, an aide to a lawmaker said Friday.

North Korea upgrades jamming devices: report

North Korea is upgrading jamming devices to disrupt South Korean military communications, Yonhap news agency said Tuesday, citing a defence ministry report.

Jerusalem's first light rail line draws big crowds

Excited crowds filled the streets of Jerusalem on Friday as hundreds of people rose early to try out the Holy City's first-ever light rail system which finally opened its doors to the public.

Ask Not for Whom the Bridge Tolls

( -- Louise Nelson Dyble was a small-town girl from the mountains of northeastern Washington state when she first saw the San Francisco Bay Area bridges. They blew her away.

Strung along -- easing holiday traffic pain

This Easter, motorists will experience the familiar frustration of being stuck on a motorway in a stop-start traffic jam that eventually disperses with no apparent cause.

Snow slackers can be found around the world

The streets were strangely quiet as I walked my daughter to school Tuesday morning. Baby stroller traffic jams are the norm in our south London neighborhood, nicknamed the "Nappy Valley" for its prodigious birthrate. But ...

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