E-car sharing comes of age

Giving up your own car and sharing one with other people instead – car sharing is the hot trend of the moment. But if it's going to succeed with electric vehicles, charging times need to be shorter and booking processes ...

Drones and phones to tackle Indonesian holiday road chaos

From drones to smartphone apps, Indonesia is harnessing technology to tackle traffic chaos during the annual mass exodus before the Muslim Eid holiday, when the potholed roads of overpopulated Java become clogged with millions ...

Unruly drivers undermine Paris pollution ban

French police struggled to impose anti-pollution measures on motorists around Paris on Thursday as the city remained shrouded in smog during its worst winter pollution in 10 years.

Electronic tickets for smarter travel

Electronic travel tickets are the key to networking different modes of transportation. This week, Siemens presents its eTicketing system at the ITS World Congress in Vienna. The system will demonstrate how easy it is to organize ...

Ask Not for Whom the Bridge Tolls

(PhysOrg.com) -- Louise Nelson Dyble was a small-town girl from the mountains of northeastern Washington state when she first saw the San Francisco Bay Area bridges. They blew her away.

'Eye in the sky' will bypass Internet traffic jams

When you're driving to work you wish you knew where the traffic jams will be. The same is true on the Internet, but network operators today can't observe or control the paths that carry data beyond the borders of their own ...

Cardinals tweet goodbyes before conclave lockdown

Cardinals entering the Vatican ahead of a conclave to elect the next pope took to Twitter to say goodbye to their online flock before they are cut off from the outside world.

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