Easing bail policy does not lead to increased crime, report finds

A new report by the nonpartisan California Policy Lab (CPL) shows the estimated effects of several bail policy changes in the City and County of Los Angeles, including removing the emergency bail schedule that was implemented ...

Possible remains of 187-year-old jail uncovered in Albany

A team of staff and students from the University of Notre Dame Australia believe they have uncovered the underground remains of an 187-year-old jail at a historic site in Albany, in Western Australia's south.

Study sheds new light on COVID-19 and mass incarceration

Results of a new study by Harvard researchers on the connections between a county jail in Chicago and the spread of COVID-19 in surrounding areas are offering lessons on pandemic preparedness and providing another argument ...

First Philippine eagle bred in captivity dies

The first Philippine eagle bred in captivity in an effort to save one of the world's most endangered birds has died from infections, conservationists said Friday.

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A prison (from Old French prisoun) is a place in which people are physically confined and, usually, deprived of a range of personal freedoms. Imprisonment or incarceration is a legal penalty that may be imposed by the state for the commission of a crime. Other terms are penitentiary, penalty school, correctional facility, remand centre, detention centre, gaol, and jail.

A criminal suspect who has been charged with or is likely to be charged with criminal offense may be held on remand in prison if he is denied or unable to meet conditions of bail, or is unable or unwilling to post bail. A criminal defendant may also be held in prison while awaiting trial or a trial verdict. If found guilty, a defendant will be convicted and may receive a custodial sentence requiring imprisonment.

As well as convicted or suspected criminals, prisons may be used for internment of those not charged with a crime. Prisons may also be used as a tool of political repression to detain political prisoners, prisoners of conscience, and "enemies of the state", particularly by authoritarian regimes. In times of war or conflict, prisoners of war may also be detained in prisons. A prison system is the organizational arrangement of the provision and operation of prisons.

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