China censors squelch web searches in activist case

Chinese censors Monday blocked web searches of a host of terms related to blind activist Chen Guangcheng, from his name to "Shawshank Redemption", the prison-break film being compared to his case.

Ohio man given choice of Facebook apology or jail

(AP) -- A man who was threatened with jail time for posting comments about his estranged wife on his personal Facebook page unless he posted daily apologies for a month says the court ruling violates his freedom of speech.

Thais warned to stay off Twitter -- or face jail

Thai police on Saturday warned election candidates and citizens not to use websites such as Facebook or Twitter to continue campaigning on the eve of the national vote -- or risk going to jail.

Iris scans may prevent mistaken release of inmates

(AP) -- A Baltimore inmate who bluffed his way out of prison probably wouldn't have tricked guards if they had eye-scanners such as those being installed at dozens of jails nationwide.

S. Korea acquits blogger of spreading false info

(AP) -- A popular South Korean blogger, who was initially touted as an economic prophet for his dire predictions on the global economy, was cleared Monday of spreading false information in a closely watched case that sparked ...

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