Titan's building blocks might pre-date Saturn

(Phys.org) —A combined NASA and European Space Agency (ESA)-funded study has found firm evidence that nitrogen in the atmosphere of Saturn's moon Titan originated in conditions similar to the cold birthplace of the most ...

New detector sniffs out origins of methane

Methane is a potent greenhouse gas, second only to carbon dioxide in its capacity to trap heat in Earth's atmosphere for a long time. The gas can originate from lakes and swamps, natural-gas pipelines, deep-sea vents, and ...

Prehistoric teeth give up their secrets

The isotope values of food consumed are reflected in the individual's tissues. As bone is constantly being turned over by remodelling, analysing the stable isotope ratios of bone collagen can shine a light on the main dietary ...

Scientists solve 'enigma' of pygmy right whales' feeding habits

Researchers have shown from stable isotope ratios in the baleen of pygmy right whales that this species of baleen whales remains in waters off southern Australia year-round and feeds on Australian krill and copepods. Unlike ...

Brown unveils powerful new mass spectrometers

Two plasma mass spectrometers, acquired with funding from Brown University and the National Science Foundation, are providing researchers in the region—at Brown, and other universities, government agencies, and companies—with ...

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