Dune ecosystem modelling

Acacia longifolia, which is native to Australia, is a species which was cultivated in Portugal primarily to stabilize dunes and as an ornamental plant; now it has spread out uncontrollably in Portugal and into many ecosystems ...

Under-studied boreal habitat key for North America's ducks

Knowing where migrating birds came from and where they're headed is essential for their conservation and management. For ducks, most of this information comes from long-term bird-banding programs, but this type of research ...

Macroalgae helps to understand marine food webs

Research into macroalgae on WA reefs has revealed relationships between carbon isotope ratios and factors like temperature that may assist in the long-term monitoring of marine food webs.

Industrialization weakens important carbon sink

Australian scientists have reconstructed the past six thousand years in estuary sedimentation records to look for changes in plant and algae abundance. Their findings, published in Global Change Biology, show an increase ...

Prehistoric teeth give up their secrets

The isotope values of food consumed are reflected in the individual's tissues. As bone is constantly being turned over by remodelling, analysing the stable isotope ratios of bone collagen can shine a light on the main dietary ...

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