Titan's building blocks might pre-date Saturn

(Phys.org) —A combined NASA and European Space Agency (ESA)-funded study has found firm evidence that nitrogen in the atmosphere of Saturn's moon Titan originated in conditions similar to the cold birthplace of the most ...

Brown unveils powerful new mass spectrometers

Two plasma mass spectrometers, acquired with funding from Brown University and the National Science Foundation, are providing researchers in the region—at Brown, and other universities, government agencies, and companies—with ...

Searching for the solar system's chemical recipe

(Phys.org)—By studying the origins of different isotope ratios among the elements that make up today's smorgasbord of planets, moons, comets, asteroids, and interplanetary ice and dust, Mark Thiemens and his colleagues ...

Oxygen isotopes improve weather predictability in Niger

For the African nation of Niger, the effect of seasonal atmospheric variability on the weather is poorly understood. Because most residents rely on local agriculture, improving the predictability of seasonal weather and precipitation ...

What really happened prior to 'Snowball Earth'?

In a study published in the journal Geology, scientists at the University of Miami (UM) Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Science suggest that the large changes in the carbon isotopic composition of carbonates which ...

Industrialization weakens important carbon sink

Australian scientists have reconstructed the past six thousand years in estuary sedimentation records to look for changes in plant and algae abundance. Their findings, published in Global Change Biology, show an increase ...

Deep recycling in the Earth faster than thought

The recycling of the Earth's crust in volcanoes happens much faster than scientists have previously assumed. Rock of the oceanic crust, which sinks deep into the earth due to the movement of tectonic plates, reemerges through ...

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