Ancient Siberian dogs relied on humans for seafood diets

As early as 7,400 years ago, Siberian dogs had evolved to be far smaller than wolves, making them more dependent on humans for food including sea mammals and fish trapped below the ice, a new study showed Friday.

Bull shark 'baby food' under extreme threat

Juvenile bull sharks generally remain inside rivers, sheltered by mangroves while they are young and more vulnerable to predators, before moving out into coastal habitats. Until now, scientists assumed they relied on these ...

What medieval skeletons tell us about modern day pandemics

A young woman walks Trondheim's streets 800 years ago, carrying a secret in her body. It's 150 years before the plague—the Black Death—but this young women is sick with a disease that no one thought was found in Europe ...

The reign of the dinosaurs ended in spring

The asteroid that killed nearly all dinosaurs struck Earth during springtime. An international team of scientists from the Vrije Universiteit (VU) Amsterdam (The Netherlands), Uppsala University (Sweden), Vrije Universiteit ...

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