New giant deep-sea isopod discovered in the Gulf of Mexico

Researchers have identified a new species of Bathonymus, the famed genera of deep-sea isopods whose viral internet fame has made them the most famous aquatic crustaceans since Sebastian of "The Little Mermaid."

The oldest known parasitic isopod

Biologists at LMU have identified two 168-million-year-old fossils as the oldest known parasitic representatives of the crustacean group Isopoda. The study sheds new light on the evolutionary history of isopods.

Seafarers' scourge provides hope for biofuel future

For centuries, seafarers were plagued by wood-eating gribble that destroyed their ships, and these creatures continue to wreak damage on wooden piers and docks in coastal communities.

Invasive Parasite Spreading Among West Coast Estuaries

( -- A parasitic isopod that scientists identified five years ago has all but decimated mud shrimp populations in coastal estuaries ranging from British Columbia to northern California - with the exception of ...