World's largest volcano erupts in Hawaii

The world's largest active volcano burst into life for the first time in 40 years, spewing lava and hot ash Monday in a spectacular display of nature's fury by Mauna Loa in Hawaii.

Can we save low-lying island nations from rising seas?

Though climate change has been an internationally recognised challenge since the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change in 1992, efforts towards reducing carbon emissions by governments remain uneven and insufficient.

Spike in water toxins blamed for hundreds of turtle deaths

Hundreds of small turtles have washed up dead on the eastern end of Long Island in the last month, a die-off scientists blame on waterborne toxins that have reached unprecedented levels for reasons that aren't entirely clear.

Energy secretary: Islands could disappear

(AP) -- U.S. Energy Secretary Steven Chu is warning that if countries don't do something about climate change, "some island states will simply disappear."

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